Thursday, April 22, 2010


Jeff, Jayden and Becky went down to Pioneer Elementary today to register Jayden for Kindergarten. As we walked to the testing area, a school staff member commented: "Yay, another Anderson reader!" Then, when the woman who tested Jayden gave his test to the kindergarten teacher to review with us, she said: "You know he's an Anderson." (Jayden answered every question correctly.) Looks like Jayden's siblings have set the bar pretty high. However, I'm confident Jayden will proudly uphold the good Anderson reputation. Look out kindergarten, Jayden's excitedly on his way!

One Week Post-Op

Becky had her one week post-operative appointment with Dr. Parris today. It felt so good to get the dressing off for a little while! Dr. Parris was pleased with how the X-ray looked. You can see the two pins he used to fuse the joint they reshaped during surgery.

Becky's foot is still pretty swollen and bruised, but, all-in-all, everything seems to be going well. Jeff says he can already see how much the shape of Becky's foot has changed.

One week down, five more to go!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Becky Get's "New" Foot

On April 16th, Becky had surgery on her right foot to correct a painful bunion that she has had most of her life. It had begun to interfere with her ability to walk and drive the car, so we decided it was time to finally do something about it.

(The X-ray to the right shows the bunions on both of Becky's feet.)

The nurse who started Becky's IV marked her right foot with the "yes" to make sure they operated on the correct foot. (Its in permanent marker and won't wash off!)

The picture to the right doesn't do Becky's green foot justice, but they used some green cleansing agent prior to starting the surgery that left Becky's foot looking pretty sick once we got home from the hospital. Check-in was at 7:00 a.m. and we were on our way home by 1:00 p.m. the same day! Jeff and Jayden came along for the journey, and Jayden was sure ready to go home when the time came. =)

Now Becky has to stay off her foot, no weight bearing what-so-ever, for at least six weeks. She is getting used to crutches (her palms and underarms are bruised) and is excited to have her knee-walker arrive later this week. The knee-walker is like a scooter that will keep Becky's foot off the ground, but will make it easier to get around and do things that a mother of five busy children needs to do. Driving is still out of the question though. It's a good thing Ashley got her driver's license on Monday!

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, well-wishes and offers of help. You are the best!

Monday, April 12, 2010

She's Official

It's official! Ashley got her Idaho driver's license today. She likes to pretend that she's not excited, but she can't hide it. Most people ask me if I'm worried, but I'm not. Ashley is a very cautious driver. Besides, come this Friday, she is going to have to become the family chauffeur for at least the next six weeks.